Dr. Jeff Milroy conducting focus group with young athletes

Master OF public health (M.p.h.) DEGREE

Our Master of Public Health in Community Health Education is a professional preparation program for qualified students from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds. The program is ideal for students interested in careers that involve the development and management of population-based health promotion and disease prevention activities within communities.


Our Ph.D. Program in Community Health Education emphasizes community-engaged research in public health and health education..

Dr. Mike Perko -- UNCG public health education professor
UNCG Health and Wellness Coach

Health and Wellness Coaching, Post Baccalaureate Certificate (P.B.C)

The health and wellness coaching profession has emerged to address an urgent and widespread need to help people increase the quality and the number of years of a healthy life.

Workplace Wellness, Post Baccalaureate Certificate (P.B.C)

The Workplace Wellness P.B.C. prepares individuals to work with employers, employees, policy-makers, or brokers/consultants to improve the safety, health, and well-being of employees. Students learn valuable skills to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate workplace wellbeing and safety initiatives from professionals in the field.

Season opening festival at Piney Lake

Our Programs at a Glance

Graduate DegreesDegree TypeOnline
Community Health EducationM.P.H.In-Person (evenings/flexible hours)
Community Health Education Ph.D.In-Person
Workplace WellnessP.B.C.
Health and Wellness CoachingP.B.C.
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